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The Rational Person and the Mind Cage that Needs to be Vigilant

Usually, we believe that humans are rational reeds, rational animals. That is to say, the important feature of humans is rationality.

So what is rationality? In simple terms, it means reason. The important criterion for adults is the independence of reason, while minors show lack of independence and incompleteness in rationality.

Speaking of rationality means speaking of reason, looking at people and things with reason. This means that each of us is good at clearly expressing our views, while also learning to explain the reasons supporting our views and the strength of their support. At the same time, when it comes to the actions or views of others, we need to examine the facts as much as possible, listen to the statements and arguments of the parties involved, and not take things out of context, be prejudiced, or make assertions without looking at the facts.

If we blindly believe in a view without considering whether the reasons supporting it are sufficient and reasonable, then we are prone to an extreme: those who do not agree with our views are all wrong and need to be eliminated.

This kind of view is not only manifested in the so-called "little pink" group, but also in some people who were born and raised in China but live abroad and hate everything about China: they curse when they see bad things happening in China, including but not limited to saying that the Chinese deserve it, feeling disgusted by the smell of Chinese people, and so on.

Little pinks do not speak reasonably, or seem to speak reasonably, but fundamentally do not speak reasonably, and we need to be cautious. This attitude of hating everything about a certain group is also unreasonable behavior that we need to be vigilant against falling into this kind of thinking trap.

This attitude of hating everything, similar to the attitude of little pinks, has the same basic stance: any idea that is different from mine is not allowed. More importantly, both do not respect people, do not see people as concrete, living beings.

Sometimes I wonder, do those who say they feel disgusted by the smell of Chinese people say the same thing in front of their parents? Can this kind of cursing, belittling, and contemptuous attitude make oneself noble, achieve one's goals? Shouldn't human nobility be manifested in the respect for people's rationality and the tolerance of others' views (considering that each of us may not fully understand another person or fully grasp a fact, considering the limitations of human beings and the equality between people)?

It should also be noted that the term "Zhina" was originally neutral and used for a long time, but later came to be seen as derogatory. "Zhina" was originally just a foreign term for China, which may have originated from two sources: one is from the Latin word for China - Sinae (root word Sino) - transliterated; the other is from the Sanskrit word for China - Cina - transliterated. It's just that this word later became influenced by nationalism, leading to a derogatory meaning. It is also rumored that the Latin Sinae may have originated from Western countries' name for the Qin Dynasty (Qin, Sin, or Zin) at that time, possibly passing through the Arab world into the Latin world (the relationship between Zhina and Sinae and Qin has not been professionally verified in literature, for reference only).

Original text synchronized with: Gengdu Blog article of the same name.

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