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Talk about my understanding of the Linux.do forum and its culture

Considering that readers may mistakenly think that this is an advertisement article, I have modified the content of the article and expanded it in depth. (The newly modified parts are placed in Section 2, Subsection 5 and the last sentence of Section 3.)

1. Introduction to Linux.do Forum#

Linux.do Forum is currently a very active and trendy community in the Chinese community, and it is also a growing community. The forum has gathered a large number of forum members who have the spirit of open source and sharing, and at the same time, it has a wide range of categories and sections, accommodating different opinions and perspectives.

Since its establishment, the forum has been in existence for just over 5 months, and it already has over 30,000 registered users and over 7,000 daily active IPs. The forum content has a high weight on search engines such as Google, which reflects the level of activity and popularity of the forum.

One of the reasons why the forum is currently popular may be that it follows, and even leads, the trend of Chinese community artificial intelligence. The founder of the forum is the developer of the Pandora project, PandoraNext project, and the maintainer and developer of the Jetbains "Learning" project. They are trying to make it convenient for Chinese users to use ChatGPT (refer to their website Zhile.io). The most important reason why the forum is popular may be its relatively good forum culture. (Of course, there are more reasons for the popularity of the forum.) Below, I will talk about my views on the forum's culture.

2. My Understanding of the Culture of Linux.do Forum#

1. Conceptual Analysis#

Before analyzing the culture of Linux.do, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: community culture and the slogan of community culture.
Community culture and the slogan of community culture are not the same. The slogan of community culture is a component of community culture, and community culture includes not only the slogan of community culture, but also the content of community members in terms of content sharing, growth mechanisms, diverse development, and member relationship building.
The understanding of the community culture of the Linux.do forum below will also be based on the distinction between these concepts, and will be analyzed from the aspects of the slogan of community culture, community operation, and member relationships.

2. Understanding the Community Culture of Linux.do from the Slogan of Community Culture#

The community culture slogan of the forum is the spirit advocated by the forum. The community culture slogan of the Linux.do forum is: "Sincerity, Friendliness, Unity, Professionalism, Building a Community that We Are Proud of Together." So, how should we understand this community culture slogan?

Sincerity: Sincerity is a self-attitude, and sincerity is an attitude towards others. The community advocates being sincere and treating others with sincerity, which helps reduce communication barriers and the cost of trust. In this society or era of high trust costs, sincerity is not only advocated by the community, but also a value that should be advocated and called for both inside and outside the community. After all, if everyone is not sincere, the communication and interaction costs of everyone will be consumed infinitely and unnecessarily.

Friendliness: Friendliness means showing a kind attitude towards close people, and not getting caught in the war state of the law of the jungle and the hell of others. "Friend" refers to a comrade-in-arms (friend, a person from the same school or mentor), implying people or things with close relationships; and "kind" means kindness, good-heartedness, and no malice. The community advocates "friendliness," which means that the community hopes that members will not fall into a mutually hostile relationship, but should treat each other sincerely, show kindness to others, treat others with kindness, respect each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, and be inclusive.

Unity: Unity means not splitting and not consuming internal energy, seeking unity. It usually refers to the internal unity of community members, with the goal of dealing with adverse influences outside the community. The community advocates unity in order to enable the community to face facts, unite, protect the brand and reputation of the community, and ensure and promote the stable development of the community when facing network attacks, public opinion attacks, and other adverse influences.

Professionalism: Professionalism means expertise and specialization, implying that the community advocates communication with a professional spirit. It is reflected in various aspects of community system construction, website construction, content construction, etc., to create a community with quality, high-quality content sharing, and a professional spirit.

Building a Community that We Are Proud of Together: Here, the community refers to the Linux.do forum; the development of the Linux.do forum not only requires the efforts of the forum creators and administrators, but also the joint operation and maintenance of forum members and administrators; the active participation of forum members and the maintenance of order and system by forum administrators are indispensable elements for the healthy and stable development of the forum. Therefore, all members of the community need to actively contribute to the construction and operation of a good community.

3. Understanding the Community Culture of Linux.do from the Actual Operation of the Community#

Just as it is difficult to integrate knowledge and action, the spirit advocated by the forum usually has differences and discrepancies with the spirit of actual operation, and it is also difficult to integrate the two. So, what community culture spirit does Linux.do forum demonstrate in its actual operation?

3.1 From the Perspective of Community Operation Mechanism#

From the perspective of the community operation mechanism, the community's mechanism construction is relatively good and healthy. For example, it has a friendly level and promotion system, reward and punishment mechanisms, and after promotion, it has relatively good welfare benefits.

3.2 From the Perspective of Member Relationships#

From the perspective of member relationships, community members respect and are friendly to each other. In the process of forum operation, the creator (Neo) reads, likes, and shares almost every post; administrators also take the lead in sharing, liking, and encouraging other members of the community, actively sharing useful resources; and community members, whether novices or experienced experts, actively share first-hand, fresh information, tutorials, resources, etc. Everyone is sharing and obtaining beneficial things in a relatively relaxed environment.

3.3 From the Perspective of Crisis Management in the Community#

From the perspective of crisis management in the community, the forum has strong technical capabilities, as well as a spirit of being realistic, kind-hearted, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and being friendly to others. In dealing with website attacks, the Linux.do forum creator, administrators, and some members actively participate, and ultimately easily resolve network attacks by switching servers to OVH cloud services with higher defense capabilities.

From the handling of controversies outside the community, it can be seen that the forum's founder and administrators can objectively record and analyze disputes between the forum's creators, administrators, and third-party AI service providers in a realistic and objective manner. They do not actively provoke conflicts or engage in personal attacks, and actively end unnecessary debates. They then focus on doing practical work, continuously improving various functions and mechanisms of the forum, demonstrating the courage, vision, and broad-mindedness that a forum creator and administrator should have.

4. The Concealment of "Open Source" and the Adherence to the Spirit of Open Source#

As mentioned earlier, there may be differences between the slogan of the community and the actual operation of the community, and one of these differences is the spirit of open source.
In the actual operation of the Linux.do forum, it adheres to the open source and sharing spirit of Linux. It is precisely this open source and sharing spirit that has led to the rapid increase in the number of registered users on the forum and the high weight of the forum's domain name on search engines. The cultural slogan of the forum may be "Sincerity, Open Source, Professionalism, Unity, Building a Community that We Are Proud of Together." However, perhaps because the term "open source" is easily misunderstood and misused, and can easily cause unnecessary trouble, the forum has to abandon this term. Therefore, although "open source" is concealed, the spirit of open source has not disappeared, and the forum still adheres to the spirit of open source and sharing.

5. Analysis of Other Reasons for the Popularity of Linux.do and Other Forums#

In fact, the reason why Linux.do forum is popular is not only because it keeps up with the AI trend and has excellent community culture construction mechanisms, but also because of our communication needs.
The highlighting of communication needs. In the context of frequent sensitive word occurrences on WeChat public accounts and the increasingly closed environments of CSDN, Zhihu, Baidu, Weibo, etc., it is difficult for us as users to smoothly and efficiently output, communicate, or obtain various information. The demand for information exchange is hindered, but we still have a demand for information exchange, and in the face of the torrent of the AI era, this demand becomes more urgent, fearing being left far behind in this AI era.
The establishment and popularity of forums reflect our desire for communication. Linux.do forum has surpassed 30,000 registered users in just 5 months since its establishment (and it continues to grow), which shows that there is a relatively high demand for information exchange among people. Other examples include: Taobao has also opened or restarted the Taobao Jianghu Forum, and other netizens have opened their own forums, such as Chuanliu Forum, Lingdu Commentary Forum.
In summary, the prosperity of the Linux.do forum is related to its adherence to the AI era trend, its excellent quality, and the urgent demand for information exchange in the AI era. It is a cultural phenomenon.

3. Conclusion#

Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that Linux.do is not only a forum with strong capabilities, but also a community that advocates and practices the spirit of seeking truth from facts, open source and sharing, equality and mutual assistance, and professional improvement. It is a community full of friendship and vitality. Perhaps it is precisely because of the community culture of the forum (including both knowledge and action) that the forum is thriving today.
Linux.do forum, of course, has some areas that need improvement and refinement. Overall, Linux.do forum is a community with strength, vitality, and prospects, and it is worth everyone's joint operation and growth.
The current prosperity of the Linux.do forum reflects a cultural phenomenon and highlights the urgent need for information exchange in the AI era.

Note: This translation is done manually without the use of AI. This article is also available on my iGengdu Blog. For more beneficial sharing, please follow my iGengdu Blog and my Telegram channel.

References: My Thoughts on the Culture of Linux.do Forum.

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